Monday 6 May 2019


the burger place

We did a lot of amazing things during the weekend in Nantes. On Saturday us, Alisa and our correspondents met at the bus terminal in Nantes. After everyone had arrived there, we headed to a burger restaurant called “Roadside”. We ate outside since the weather was quite sunny and pretty. The food was very good, and we sat there for a good hour or two.

the castle
We were very full and a little tired after eating but we went to the castle of the dukes of Brittany which is situated in the center of Nantes. In the castle some of the other people who were in the project came with us and we went for a quick little tour around the castle. The correspondents would’ve wanted to go from a slide that’s on the side of the castle, but it was closed so we couldn’t.

the sightseeing building
From the castle we walked in the streets of the beautiful Nantes and stopped in a few shops to get some souvenirs for us and the other Finnish students. Next, we went to a sightseeing tower called “le nid”. It was very windy already on the ground so when we got up with the elevator and went outside, the wind was so bad that if you would’ve let go one of your things it would’ve flown away. Outside we were told that there were some eggs painted on the roofs of some buildings in the town and we were supposed to find them all. We only found two out of eight. After being long enough in the wind outside we decided to go back in the building. We also went back because the other correspondents who came with us after the food had to go.

the boat trip
After they had left, us six still stayed up and we drank small juice drinks. Then suddenly right after we had drunk the drinks, the French correspondents told us that we were in a hurry because we only had fifteen minutes time to go to the harbor since our boat to the other side of the river called Loire was leaving then. Our pairs also said that we had to take two trams and we had seven stops before we were there, so we really were in a hurry. (We actually ended up running to where the second tram left because we didn’t have enough time to wait for the first one.) When we got to the harbor the boat had just got off the wharf, but they stopped the motors so that we could hop in.

After a few setbacks we got to the other side of the river and looked for a bus to go to one of our correspondents whose name is Lise. We found the bus, went with it for a while and then from one stop Lise's father came to pick us up and we went to their house. The house is big and outside they have this cute little cottage that they rent for people to live in for short periods of time. So, us six went there to sleep the night.

During the evening and night in the cottage we just played some games, talked and ate some good food. When we started to be overly tired, we decided to go make our beds and went to sleep.

the market place
On Sunday we woke up in the cottage and went to Lise’s home to eat breakfast. It was a normal French sweet breakfast. After everyone had eaten, we went to the marketplace in the village center. There were a lot of different stalls where were sold for example leather goods, pet accessory and of course, some food. In the meantime, Lise’s mother and little sister had been swimming. We had some time left after shopping, so we went to a nearby playground where was a children’s playing track from the Finnish company called “Lappset”.

the market place
After that we all went back to Lise. Her mother started to cook for us. As the starters, we had Saucisson-sausage, salty crepes and small deep-fried cheese and ham balls. For the main course we had a whole small fish. The meat was white, and skin was pink. (We don’t know what the fish was called.) For the dessert we had some strawberry pie that we had bought from the bakery earlier. And it was so good.
the canoeing place

After lunch we went to a canoeing place. In addition to us two and Alisa, there were seven other Finnish students and our correspondents. Also, with us there were the mothers of Lucie and Lise. The place where we were canoeing was in northern Nantes and the river was called Erdre. In total we canoed for two hours and the total trip was about three kilometers long. After that we had a little snack break. Then all the Finnish students and their correspondents left to their own homes. It was quite late, so we just went home, ate some dinner and then were hanging out with our hosting families and then went to sleep.

Ada & Aura

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Tuesday 30.4.

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